Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hip to the Hop with Bieber

My teacher, Mrs. Tararo, is in charge of a lunch time activity called Culture. Every Thursday during lunch, the students come to Culture to learn dances from different cultures. They have learned a Samoan dance, will be learning a Cook Island dance, a Maori dance, and many others. All of the dances they learn, they will be performing at a big culture festival in May against other schools (I am so sad I will be back in America and will miss it). 

The other day Mrs. Tararo was asking me questions about myself and found out that I am a dancer. Light bulb haha. She asked me if I could make up a hip-hop dance to teach during "culture" that they could perform for the festival. So I did!

Today was my first day teaching it and I'll continue to teach them every Thursday until I leave. This was only the first day and they were doing great. I can't wait to finish it up and help them to get it so that they can do it on their own!!!

The kids loved it too, which was the best part of all. They kept coming up to me at school all day long asking if I was going to teach hip-hop (said in their cute accents). A lot of them love Justin Bieber, so I chose one of his songs, "somebody to love", and they were excited haha. I LOVE THESE NZ KIDS!

What a fun opportunity to teach them hip-hop :)
Watch the video and see how cute they are!

They started the Culture Dance Class with a Samoan dance that these
little year 5/6 girls taught.

Getting ready to teach my hip-hop dance. The kids were so excited.
They kept asking me all day long if I was going to teach hip-hop today.

Wahoo. We'll learn the rest next week and then keep reviewing it after

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

E te Ariki

School, school, school. Can't get enough of it. I love walking everyday for 45 mins while listening to my ipod, and then getting to the school grounds only to be greeted by a bunch of smiling NZ children. They could not be any cuter or nicer. I love these kids and do not know how in the world I will be able to leave them next month. They have so little and yet they are the happiest and sweetest kids ever. 

I finally got all my kids names down (mostly using nicknames) and have figured out all of their background information. Here's the range of diversity in my class:

  1. Quvana ("Qua-vau-na")
  2. Kairyn ("Ky-rin")
  3. Ryan
  4. Kenny
  5. Dillyn
  6. Eliza
  7. Krista
  8. Aku ("a-ku"...he was nice enough to let me shorten his name. I can't even begin to pronounce his actual name)
  9. Amon ("A-mon")
  10. Terry
  11. Angelo
  1. Tevita T. ("T-vita")
  2. Tevita A.
  3. 'Ilaisanne ("Ill-i-sau-nee")
  1. Mykayla
  2. Alexia
  3. Sene ("sin-e")
  1. Togia ("Tong-ia")
  2. Sheena
  3. Maliani ("Mal-i-ani")
  4. Alex
  5. Telaki ("Tell-a-key")
  6. PJ
  7. Tauamatua (I can never say his name right--and there's no nickname for him--so I say "tau-ma-tu-a")
  8. Inga

  1. Aroha ("Air-ro-ha" which is also the word for LOVE in Maori)
  1. Tiare
  2. Atticus
And then my teacher is from the Cook Islands

E te Ariki is the name of the song that we sing everyday after they do their Maori prayer. The song is like a religious song as well, to follow their prayer, and it is so beautiful. I love hearing the kids sing in Maori. So pretty! I'm also loving learning all of these songs in Maori. I am getting the words down pretty least I think I am pronouncing them right haha! 

That song is probably my favorite thing in the whole day, but I also love working and teaching these kids math. It is fun to do basic math skills and see their excitement as I teach them how to do long division. They love when I give them more challenging problems and it is so much fun for me to see them progress and love learning!

Besides school, here's some Exciting News: Today is February 29 which means it is a leap year. And this morning Nisha HAD HER BABY girl :). They named her Faith and she weighs 9lbs. We are so excited to be able to see Nisha and baby Faith in a couple of days when they come back home! So exciting!!! Nisha has been dying to have her!

Gutter ball. The kids play this outside every day. It is just a triangular board
that they throw a ball at. If you hit the ball 10 times in a row you have
to step back farther. If you miss then it goes to the person on the other
side for their turn. If you have more than 2 people then you go to the
end of the line if you miss. 

Touch Rugby. The kids play this every morning and it is always the first
thing I see when I come to school each day. They are such good little

Jump Jams. This is dance fun that they do for exercise for their P.E. in
school. They turn on these songs that the kids know the dances to
and then they all just do the dances haha. It is so cute!!!

Fruit of the day: Carrots! I wanted to take a picture because I think
these carrots are HUGE and so yummy!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Random As

Here are some random pictures that I uploaded from friends or didn't know what post to include them in, so I'm making this post for them! Life here is great and can I just say....I LOVE TEACHING!!! 

Yesterday was Sunday, since I am a day ahead over here in NZ, and I was lucky enough to be asked to give a talk. Actually I should say that me, Margo, Brittany, and Ramona's husband--Chris, were lucky enough to be called to speak. It went well, I think. The funniest topic was given to me, which was "preparing to enter into the temple". Brittany was asked to speak on "individual worth" and Margo's was on "positive attitudes or being happy". Me and Margo ended up talking WAY too long and so they passed a note to Chris during my talk, to tell him there wasn't going to be enough time for him to speak. It was mostly my fault because I found a good talk online for my topic, that had multiple good points to bring up, and I was writing it so late that I never timed it. I felt bad that we went over on Chris's time. Sorry Chris. 

It was weird preparing a talk with no printer though. I had to write all my quotes and thoughts down (which took a lot longer than being able to type them) but it was good to help me prepare for it and I was able to give my talk just the same :) 

One of the girls in my group captured a picture of me
doing the Hongi at the Powhiri Ceremony! The girls
in my group laugh at me in this picture because I
am as tall as this little elementary student.

There are fruit buckets that are brought around to each
room in the school every day. Each day it is a different
fruit and there are enough for everyone in the class.
Today was apple day :)!

My nightly stretching haha. I think this picture looks hilarious!

Playing Knuckle Bones with the kids. 

They are so good. I need to work on getting better at this game.
Love these girls :)

LOVE our group!! Such amazing people. 
We watched the kids while Nisha and Phil went out
on a hot date. Look at how cute they look all dressed
up!! Nisha is due any time now! So exciting :)

My new addiction. Peanut butter (and also dipping pretzels into it). This
is like my subsitute for chips and queso. I think I like it so much because
both of these two things taste the closest to food back home!

A sad experience happened the other day. In the Island cultures is it disrespectful to eat your food while walking around. You should be sitting down when you eat your food, it is just part of the culture. Well....right before lunch one day, I was put incharge of the class when Mrs. Tararo left suddenly. Because she left so quick, I did not know what she wanted me to do, and the kids kept telling me it was time for them to eat their lunches. After hearing the bell ring (meaning that the 10 mins of silence for eating lunch was over, and it was now play time), I decided I better hurry and let them eat quick so they could go out and play. 

Naturally I took out my sandwich, walked to the front of the room, and told them they could start eating before they went to play. As I was standing in the front, I was walking around eating my sandwich keeping an eye on all of my class. Of course the kids did what the teacher (myself) was doing. They were walking, jumping, and playing together as they ate their food. Then Mrs. Tararo came in and BOY WHERE THEY IN TROUBLE. She came in yelling, "why are you walking around and playing as you eat your food? You do not walk and eat your food at the same time...." 

I stood there frozen, with my sandwich in my hand and a big bite in my mouth, freaking out because I had TOTALLY forgotten about that rule. Mrs. Tararo continued to give her class a big lecture, made them sit there while she yelled at them, and excused me to go to lunch. I could see all the kids eyes looking at me, wanting to point to say "but the teacher did it!", as I left the room. I felt so so so so so bad. Agh. I can't believe I did that! I totally forgot!!!

Note to self. 
*don't walk while eating

Oh and also.....don't sit on the table or desks (This is also another part of the culture here. It is very disrespectful to sit on the tables because that is where food goes.)

Another thing. There are also many children that go without lunches every day in my class. One boy in particular I have noticed has not brought a lunch once to school in the weeks I have been here. He always takes the fruit that is brought into the classes each day, and that's what he eats. Of all the boys in the class he is probably one of the skinniest. It kills me to see the heaps of food that I bring to eat for lunch, and yet he's just eating a pear or an apple each day. So the other day I gave him my pretzels. But then the whole class wanted the "treats" that they thought I was handing out, and that sweet boy gave them most of those pretzels that I gave him. 

The other day Mrs. Tararo had the class raise their hand "to see if they only sometimes bring a lunch to school", and about half of the class raised their hands (including that boy). She then told me that a lot of them never bring lunches. I want to bring enough food for every kid in my class each day; I feel way too spoiled growing up with so much food. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Auckland Museum and RUGBY game :)

On Friday we were able to go to the Auckland War Memorial Museum. My favorite part about it was when we got to see the Maori Cultural Performance. The dancers performed many traditional Maori dances and songs. They danced with their long and short sticks, poi balls, and even did the famous Haka at the end. Throughout the program there was a narrator who explained the significance of the different dances they do and words they say. 

It was cool for me to see how much of this culture I already know. I remember getting on the plane here to New Zealand not knowing ANYTHING about the Maori culture, and now in just a short couple of months, I already knew a lot of the information the narrator was explaining to us. 

After their performance, the dancers came out for us to take pictures with them. It was a lot of fun. I love how the Maori men stick out their tongues (called the whetero, pronounced "fetero") for intimidation during the Haka, while the women just buldge their eyes (called the pukana, pronounced "po-kauna"). We still stick out our tongues though when we take pictures, but technically we shouldn't since Maori women would never do that. 

After the museum we went to eat at a yummy Burger place that Phil and Nisha loves called Burgerfuel. I don't know if I am just missing hamburgers from back home or what, but I thought it was an amazing burger (even if it was $10 just for the burger, fries and drink NOT included). Straight from our dinner we went to a RUGBY game. 

Rugby is like the national sport here in NZ. It is like their football but 10 times more popular and bigger. The famous team for New Zealand is called The All Blacks. There are flags, posters, pictures...etc. EVERYWHERE in NZ with The All Blacks logo and name. The hat my teacher has me wear everyday at school is an All Black hat from the world cup that they won last year. 

The game we went to was not an All Black game, but the teams we saw had a total of 15 players that are on the All Black team. The teams were the Auckland blues vs. the Christchurch Crusaders. It was fun being there with everyone and it was a CRAZY game to watch. I cannot believe how HARSH, BRUTAL, and INTENSE Rugby games are. The players wear NO padding or protection and literally just plow and tackle each other like crazy. By the end of the game their faces were all bloody and puffy and gross. I don't know why you'd ever want to play such a fierce game, but it sure made our football players (with all their pads and covering) look pretty WIMPY! haha

Here is a movie I made of little video clips I took from each of the dances performed during
the Maori Cultural Performance. 

The Haka starts at minute 5:13 to the end and is definitely worth watching!!

The museum

Kia Ora

I love the Maori carvings

Here we go!

Me and Amanda

Poi balls

This is the stick passing thing that we got to do in our literacy class
a while back :)

I LOVE THIS PICTURE! Look at their whetero (sticking their tongues out)


I really do love the carvings that this culture makes. I think they are so
intricate and beautiful.

NZ Volcanoes

Closest thing I better get to a shark....I was scared and
it was fake.

I thought this was so gross looking! Those are real and
reminded me of A Bugs Life. 

Huge, preserved, me the willies.

Nemo and Dory!! :) 

Yes this fake Penguin was the same height as me.
Look at that cute Mr. Penguin though :)

New Zealand......NZ.......EN Zed

The All Blacks Rugby team room in the museum

They perform the Haka before the start of each game

I took this picture for Kyle. No wonder people were scared to go to the
dentist back in the day!

NZ and all the other Islands that a lot of the people living here
come from. 

In my class I have students who are from Tonga, Samoa, Tuvalu (up at
the very top left corner), and the Cook Islands. 

Burgerfuel...yummm :)

Rugby we come!

Go Blues!

Look I support both the blues and reds with my flag and shirt haha!

It would randomly rain during the game. One time it came down pretty hard
and I got a good soak :)

Here come the players onto the field

dog pile anyone?

I thought it was cool how they would lift up the players to get the ball

such a brutal sport! (but fun to watch)