Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fergburgers in Queenstown

Alright, I'm going to get started with explaining, more in detail, everything that took place in the South Island. So lets BEGIN!

We first woke up early Monday morning for our taxi to pick us up at 5am. After the ride to the airport we waiting for our plane, flew for a little over an hour, and then looked outside to see the BEAUTIFUL huge, green, mountains in the South Island. We were finally there!!

We were then driven to our hostel in Queenstown, called X-base, where we got a bit of a shock to our systems haha. There were pictures all over the walls that were very inappropriate and our rooms were pretty much just full of bunk beds. There was actually a mix up when we first got there because there were two boys that were supposed to be staying in one of our rooms haha. Don't worry, Ramona would have never let that fly, so she got it all worked out and we were only with girls. My room ended up having two girls in it from different countries, one was named LeeAnn from Germany and she ended up tagging along with us everywhere (because she was alone). It was actually fun to make a new friend from a different country. 

Our hostel was a very interesting experience overall. My bedspread had blood on it and a lot of the girls, including me, left with a bunch of bug bites because we found out that there were bed bugs :)...yippy! There was a bar on the lower level that played loud music every night, and we had to get our i.d.'s check if we ever wanted to go in there at night. We did go to a dance one of the nights, but me and Brooke left after like 20 mins because it was too loud and too not good lol. We were able to get yummy drinks though, I usually got apple juice, and it was hilarious to see the look on the bartenders face when 20 girls ordered non-alcoholic drinks. It was great! But the worst part about our hostel was the showering. They had the shower on a timer to save energy and guess how long it went for....5 seconds. lol!!! You would just have to push the button, hurry as fast as you could, push the button, hurry as fast as you could. . .etc. It was extremely annoying. 

Queenstown was a fun little area to be in. It was a very touristy place so everyone there looked like us, haha, which was different than how we are the minority back on the North Island. There were all these cute little shops, a huge lake, and big mountains all around us. But my favorite part was FERGBURGER. Ahhh!!! It has the most amazing, biggest, burgers I have ever had. Plus the sauce is to die for. Every time I ate one I kept thinking of Jeremy and how much he would love them. I honestly want to fly him to NZ just so that he can have a Fergburger! They were simply delightful and my mouth is watering just thinking about them. I ate way too many of them though...almost one each day haha!

Waiting to fly to the South Island

I don't know why I look like a Umpa-Lumpa cus of the sun, but here we go!

South Island

I love the New Zealand Air planes. The instruction video before we take off
is HILARIOUS! Oh man, I will post a video of it later. But it is awesome.
We need to do those in our planes to keep people awake and listening to
instructions on surviving on the plane ride!

I just can't get over these mountains :)

Driving in the vans all over the place....good times.

Yay for touring! This was our tour guide James who is from NZ and
drives the girls every year. He is one of the nicest people in the world.
He was always buying us treats and taking us to the best places for pictures!

Our lovely Queenstown hostel

My roommates and top bunk. That is literally all the room there was in our
room. The other two bunks were filled with a girl named LeeAnn from
Germany and a girl named Amy from Japan. 
Our stinkin 5 second drove me crazy to keep pushing the
button every five seconds!

Such a cute little place

I loved this cute candy shop, oh I guess I should say "lolly shop" (since
they call candy lollies here)

And here it is....FERGBURGER!!!

It was expensive though. 10 bucks for a burger.

There's my first one!


They are so big!

Ah I love that sauce!

The line is always out the door

Look at those patties

Big daddy

Eating our Fergs in the park

Here's one with all of the toppings and more. Jeremy needs to try this!

Doesn't this look like a JEREMY burger????!!!!


  1. Looks like so much fun Mandy...I am glad you got a "Jeremy" burger to eat. The water is so blue in some of the beautiful. Glad the trip went well for you and your friends. Talk to you soon. Love you Always.

    1. yeah it was so yummy!! and the water was such a pretty color all the time. I loved it! love you too :)

  2. Looks so yummy!! That's funny about the hostel experience! Isn't that where you're staying in Australia? Not that particular one, of course, but hostels? I stayed in one during my senior year of high school in California--on a choir trip. But, it wasn't anything like your experience! Thankfully. :)

    1. yeah it was crazy cyndy! And we are actually NOT staying in hostels in Australia. We found some better deals at hotels so we should be good :)
